Dare to Lead™ is an empirically based, courage-building program created for individual leaders and organisations by Dr. Brené Brown, a research professor at the University of Houston. She is also a TED speaker and a New York Times best-selling author.
Why Courage? Courage is consistently identified as the #1 must-have skill for leaders by C-level worldwide. The skills that make up courage are not new —they’ve been aspirational leadership skills for as long as there have been leaders.
The most significant finding from Brené’s research is that courage is a collection of four skill sets that are teachable, measurable, and observable. Dare to Lead™ breaks Courage into four practical, learnable skill sets and builds capability in areas that challenge many leaders and deeply impact organisational health and profitability.
Facing risk, uncertainty, and emotional exposure with courage and clarity. In other words the ability to stay grounded and open in challenging moments or conversations so we can stay connected to the bigger picture and model inspiring and caring leadership.
Identifying, operationalizing and practicing the beliefs that we hold most important. Knowing what we stand for and intentionally leading and living in alignment with our values. In short, walking the talk.
Creating or deepening connections in relationships and teams based on the seven elements of trust. Seven behaviors that make up the acronym “BRAVING” and help us approach, assess, and build 1:1 and team-level trust in concrete ways.
Learning and growing from the failures, setbacks, and disappointments that are inevitable when we are brave with our lives. Mastering resilience, the vitally important reset, and recovery skills that help us pick ourselves up and keep moving forward with purpose, no matter what.
Unlike other leadership programs, Dare to Lead™ focuses on the inner working of leaders. It supports them to connect to their deepest human nature, to become the best version of who they are so that they can lead with more courage, more heart and make the difference they are meant to make around them.
Dare to Lead™ is modular and customizable.
As your coach and facilitator, my priority will be to learn about your priorities so I can assess your unique situation, and tailor the approach to your needs. Designed to foster growth, meaningful connection, and integrated learnings, expect my programs to be deeply engaging.
Below are a few ideas on how to engage with Dare to Lead™.
The ultimate playbook for developing brave leaders and courageous cultures.
Gauge your strengths and your opportunities for growth as a daring leader
A half day online event for you to explore the core concepts of Daring Leadership. Open enrollment for individual leaders from any organisation.
A customizable leadership journey to dive into the four skills sets of Daring Leadership.
Experience the power of learning and growing together with other female leaders. Open enrollment program for women from any organisation.
An engaging and thought-provoking keynote about Daring Leadership.
Whether you are an individual or an organization, if you are ambitious, curious, open to learning and you care for your people, the Dare to Lead™ program will support your success.
Whether you are looking to improve yourself and your team ’s morale, develop a more human corporate culture, boost resilience, trust, collaboration, communication and quality of work, or increase innovation and performance, applying the principles taught in Dare to Lead™ can help you to get there.
I will assess your unique situation, and tailor the training to your needs – ensuring you are getting practical tools that you can apply immediately.
Before its launch in 2019, the Dare to Lead™ program has been tested in more than 50 organizations and with approximately ten thousand individuals who are learning these skills on their own or in teams. It has been found that this process has significant positive impact, not just on the way leaders show up with their teams, but also on how their teams perform.
I know what it means to deliver results. As a senior executive I’ve built up a solid expertise in business and my work with leaders and teams draws on my deep understanding of this world and the inner working of an organisation.
You’ll see improvement in your performance, team moral, connection, resilience, communication and collaboration while creating a space for productive, necessary and yes, sometimes difficult, conversation to happen for the betterment of the organization as a whole. This program will support and empower your team members to show up at their best.
Schedule a call today to learn more about all the ways I can support you or your business
on your leadership journey.
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