What is The Feminine Code?

The Feminine Code is a mastermind and intimate mentorship for ambitious and visionary women that combines personal and leadership development, with ancient feminine wisdom to transform your life and leadership as a true reflection of your soul and what you deeply desire. To create profound success, impact and wellbeing from your feminine power.

Do you remember who you were before you molded yourself to the world around you? Before the expectations, the roles, the pressure? The Feminine Code is a transformational experience where you'll come closer to who you are – your true essence, deep in your core. It’s the journey from who you’ve been to who you really are. The Feminine Code will guide you to your next level, to lead fully expressed, create with passion and intuition, and contribute to meaningful impact in the world with your heart and soul.

This Inner Circle for women is about carving the Self you aspire to be. I created this mastermind as a result of what I learnt on my own personal journey of searching for my most authentic expression and my desire to make a greater impact. I will share with you everything I’ve learnt, the disciplines, concepts and tools that I have practiced and refined over the years to support myself and my clients.

The Feminine Code is for you if you are committed and ready to invest in your own personal growth and wish to live and lead in greater alignment with who you know deep down you are. Whether you are CEO, Executive, Entrepreneur or Coach, you are desiring to unleash your true potential, and create more success, wellbeing and impact from your feminine power.

This mastermind and intimate mentorship is for you if you identify with one or several of these points:
  • You are at the threshold to the next level of your life, leadership, business, awareness and evolution. You are being called to rise in your leadership.
  • You want more – more love, joy, success, wellbeing, meaning and freedom – yet, you don't know how to break free from the barriers holding you back.
  • You feel called to have a greater impact during these times of deep change.
  • You are yearning to expand and refine your Embodied Leadership with Pleasure, Joy and Grace. You want to  bring more of your feminine identity into your life and work. 
  • You are in a career that give you power and influence but it’s not filling you up, and you do not know what could be the next chapter. You know you are looking to make a change but don’t want to lose the financials you currently enjoy. 
  • You find yourself hiding one or many parts of you. You are showing up as who you feel you need to be to succeed and to be taken seriously. You feel called to step into greater authenticity, and stop compromising on your desires under the weight of others’ expectations or the roles you play.
  • You don't feel aligned with the old paradigm of leadership and want to create success and impact, the feminine way. You're tired of feeling exhausted, and want to liberate yourself from chasing, proving and burn out, so you have more space and energy for you.

WHO IS the Feminine Code FOR?

 Eileen, Head of Brands
Top 10 FTSE 100 company

“Annabelle helped me to step into the woman I want to become. 
I will forever cherish this time as one of honesty, learning and love. 
I don’t think anything will ever equal what she has done. ”

Heather, Entrepreneur 

“Annabelle helped me to move to my next level, catapulting my dreams into reality.”

Sarah, C-Suite Executive, Fortune 500 Company 

“We're being called to step up and lead, and this world needs more conscious leaders who want to make a difference. During my time with Annabelle there has been an awakening to my true self, my true essence and I'm just eternally grateful to her for our work together.”

"What I experienced with Annabelle was a holistic journey of personal growth, deeper self-compassion, self-trust, and self-awareness not simply around work, but across all aspects of my life. Annabelle coaches with a unique mix of gentleness, deep getting and non-nonsense. Being coached by Annabelle created fundamental shifts in me where I least expected it and yet where I most needed it. I’m wholeheartedly grateful to have worked with her."

Helen, Business Performance Coach & Trainer

Shaffali, Business Owner

“Thank you Annabelle - you create such beautiful space for openness and vulnerability that allow for coaching to be truly impactful. I have used coaches, therapy and healers on my journey of self-exploration and I must say that your style resonated for me because you integrated the soul/spirit into the mind aspect of development. Since working with you something has certainly shifted for me when it comes to my sense of self and it is very empowering!
Thank you for all of your space, openness, care and love.”

Anique, Investment Banking 

“Annabelle is a gift. I am now in a different space with so much more confidence and vision. I am grateful to have travelled this piece of road with her – this has been an enriching experience for me both personally and professionally. I cannot recommend Annabelle highly enough.”

Sanya, Consciousness Coach 

“My coaching experience with Annabelle was one of immense connectedness and compassion. Her nurturing energy and ability to hold space teamed with her genuine intention to stand for my greatness unconditionally supported my goal of self-empowerment and personal growth. Annabelle supported me the most simply by her beingness, by who she is when I enter the coaching environment, a loving, open, spacious and conscious member of our awaking species. So much gratitude and love always.”

The Feminine Code is the first women mastermind and intimate mentorship of its kind to come home to yourself, tap into your full potential and create exponential success, impact and wellbeing. It’s a transformational 6-month journey where I’ll be with you each month for live calls and coaching. 

We’ll dive into what it means to unleash your full feminine power by getting closer to your truth. We'll remember what Feminine Leadership truly is and weave ancient feminine wisdom in our life and work. We'll uncover the feminine archetypes and superpowers. You'll get clear on a vision for your life and take actions to create it. We’ll work on letting go what is holding you back, letting go of the distorted beliefs that have never been yours and prevented you to step into the fullest version of yourself. We'll replace them by a new set of beliefs. We’ll create new habits, rituals and environments to support you on your journey of transformation. You'll become intimate with your mind and heart to lead your life and career from greater alignement and manifest greater success, wellbeing and impact. You'll step into the feminine leader within and learn the art of embodying her via mindfulness, bodywork and feminine practises.

This mastermind is a journey to access your full feminine essence as a leader, it is about learning how to connect, trust and follow your own inner guidance. I will be by your side to help you remember who you truly are and what you’re capable of. Imagine what it would be like to release all of the things that have been holding you back and step with confidence into your most authentic life and leadership knowing that you have me and a group of fellow sisters to cheer you on, support you and ready to catch you at all times.

What is involved?

 It’s time to reimagine what’s possible.
 It's time to awaken to the power of who you are and to rise into who you've always meant to be. 
If you’re ready to be more, receive more and serve more, The Feminine Code is for you.

Ready to create a change?

The Feminine Code is currently closed for enrollment.
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